Have you ever wondered if Twitter is even worth your time as a small business strategy? Isn’t it just for people who love to make fun of Trump and trash talk celeberties?

Well, I thought so for a very long time…

I started to build a Twitter account back in 2009 but didn’t make it work as a business lead and traffic strategy, so I left the account alone for many years before a new friend of mine shared that it was his main source of leads to his coaching business.

‘Ok’, I thought, ‘I’ll take another look at this’. I convinced my friend to share what he was doing and boy was I blown away.

10 Effective Twitter Strategies For Small BusinessesIn this blog post I have condenced his adwise into 10 effective Twitter strategies that work for small businesses.

Strategy #1: Optimize your Twitter profile

Like all SOME platforms you have a profile on Twitter and it is important that you brand yourself so people know you are an expert in your niche. Heres what to do:

  • Create a branded Twitter banner – use Canva.com or outsource on Fiverr.com
  • Have a pro profile image
  • Create a short about me with niche keywords and use emojies after each to stand out
  • Create your own branded hastag ex. #AskMaryleena and add to your bio
  • Put in your City, state and country to be found locally
  • Put a link to your website, blog or optin in the link section

Strategy #2: Get your first 5000 Twitter followers

To make the most of Twitter you need lots of targeted followers. The way to quickly get followers interested in your niche is to find the top influencers in your niche on Twitter follow them and then start following their followers. Twitter policy lets you follow 1000 people every day until you reach 5000 followers. Not everyone is going to follow you back so you need a strategy to unfollow those who don’t follow you back.

  • Follow 1000 people on monday (or the amount you choose)
  • Unfollow the non followers on sunday
  • Rince and repeat until you reach 5000 followers

Strategy #3: Growing your Twitter following while doing following maintenance

When you reach 5000 followers Twitter policy will only let you follow a ration of 500 more than your followers. So you need to keep adding new followers and unfollow nonfollowers to keep growing your twitter reach.

Here is a free tool you can use to do maintenance on your Twitter followers.

Strategy #4: The pinned welcome video

A pinned welcome video can get you tons of leads on autopilot from Twitter. Here is how to do it. Share on X

A lot has happend on Twitter since 2009. On of my favorite new features it the ability to tweet small video clips. Yes you can create and tweet a video clip of max 2:20 min. You can cut the length of the uploaded video if it is longer. The best way to really stand out is to do a welcome video where you introduce yourself and offer some value that new followers can go optin to get on your blog or squeeze page. Make sure to pin the tweet so it is stays at the top of your tweets so everyone sees it when they visit your profile.

Strategy #5: Optimal tweeting strategy

No one likes a spammy sales person. And truth be told, we would all like to know and trust the person we choose to buy stuff from. Same goes for people we meet on Twitter. So make sure you don’t just tweet spammy offers to your product or service to your twitter followers. Put a little value out there. Show a little of hwo you are. Here is my recommendes tweeting ratio strategy:

  • Tweet about 10 times per day
  • Do 40% value tweets (that is 4 tweets per day)
  • Do 30% lifestyle tweets, show your dog or your favorite book and resturant (3 times per day)
  • Add 10% quotes of motivational stuff or funny niche jokes (that is 1 per day)
  • Last but not least you can do 20% offers or Call To Action (That is 2 CTA tweets per day)

Strategy #6: Using Twitter hashtags

Twitter hashtags are quite usefull. They are for categorising the tweets so it is easy to find tweets about any topic you want. You should create your own branded hashtag like #AskMaryleena and have that in all your Tweets so you create a tweet content library over time. Also you can tap into poular topics using hashtags like #SundayMorning or #Happy. That way people find your tweets when they look for those topics.

Strategy #7: Using branded images in Tweets

A picture speaks a thousand words and people are just more responsive with images, so it is vital that you use them in all of youtr tweets as you only have 140 characters for your message. Also you can use Canva.com to put your web adress and socialmedia handles and your branded hashtag in the image so if the tweet is shared you get lots of exposure to all your online precense.

Strategy #8: Welcome new followers

To get the most out of your new Twitter connections, you should greet every new follower with a welcome message that is engaging. Say thank you for the follow and ask them a question to open up a conversation. If they answer you know they are real people and not just a Twitter bot. Also you have the opportunity to ask them more questions and give them a call to action to go check out your product or blog.

Strategy #9: Engage with people who need your help

Use the Twitter seach box to find people asking for help in your niche. Ex. type in ‘I need a webdesigner’ or ‘I need a good video software’. Then reply and let them know that you can help them and have them send you a private message if they want more information.

Strategy #10: Automate you Twitter strategy

So the first 9 strategies do take a lot of time to do, but it is possible to automate some of the work. There are auto follower and unfollow software out there and also auto messaging and folowup software. I suggest you create a library of tweets and images and load them into an auto twitter software and also have a auto welcome system setup. But I reccomend that you do the followup manually as you need to be more personal and tailor your conversation.

I hope you got some big value from this Twitter guide. There are ofcause more advanced strategies but these are great to get started. If you are still searching for way to create something to offer your leads I suggest you go grab my free ebook Easy Cash Blueprint. Just put your name and email in the box at the top of this page and you’ll get instant access to an easy strategy for creating your own offers.

By Marlene

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